Family and Inheritance LawCHILD SUPPORT IN GREECE In Greece, the child support system is regulated by law and designed to provide financial support to children in the event of a divorce or s
Family and Inheritance LawWILL DRAFTING According to Greek law, there are various legal ways to draft a will. Among these are the public will, which is drawn up before a notary pub
Family and Inheritance LawPARTICIPATION IN MARITAL ASSETSWhen a marriage is dissolved, property issues often arise between the spouses. In cases of disagreement, one of the spouses may file a lawsu
Family and Inheritance LawISSUANCE OF INHERITANCE CERTIFICATE (ΚΛΗΡΟΝΟΜΗΤΗΡΙΟ)In many cases, the heir is required to prove their inheritance rights with an inheritance certificate in order to benefit from the inheritan
Property LawTHE RIGHT OF USUFRUCT AND BARE OWNERSHIPThe right of usufruct and bare ownership are two terms widely used in Greece, but, as practice shows, they are not entirely clear to many. T
Family and Inheritance LawCOHABITATION AGREEMENT IN GREECE (FAQ)A COHABITATION AGREEMENT (Σύμφωνο συμβίωσης [symphono simviosis]) is an alternative way of legalising a relationship between adults, other